SFR Brigade Presents: Starrie 3.3


Enjoy some Science Fiction Adventure from the Ambasadora-verse! I'm posting excerpts of my novel Starrie in order starting from chapter one. This is the fourteenth post and we're into chapter three. It has been edited for content and space per the SFR Brigade Presents guidelines. Read the rest of the story (uncensored) so far on the Starrie page.

And, check out other wonderful Presents posts at the SFR Brigade.


"What the hell?" came a voice behind her.

Naela spun around to a battle rifle in her face. The Armadan holding it was the one barking orders during her escape. His age said he was a seasoned leader, but right now he was distracted by the chaos. Growing up the way she did, she learned quickly that distractions were just another type of enemy.

She thrust the weapon's short barrel up into his cheek. A cender blast sizzled past from behind them. The Armadan snagged her by the wrist and pulled her out of the way of the next one as he spit out profanities like he was getting paid by the word.

Naela saw the third shot coming from…


If her cousin were leading this group of contractors, there was no doubt that the Embassy was protecting Stavros. Things had just become more complicated. Worse than distractions and worse even than the Embassy was family. Naela's in particular.

Using her entire fifty-six kilos, Naela rammed the Armadan through the broken window. The momentum rolled them onto the knife's edge of the prow. She scrambled from on top of him as two female contractors leaped out of the window after them.


Starrie is a direct sequel to Greenshift. It follows the story of Ben Anlow (David's younger brother) and his team as they embark on a revenge mission to bring down serial murderer and rapist, Liu Stavros, at his fortress in the inhospitable mountains of Tampa Three. But contractor Naela Starrie already has her own kind of vengeance planned for Stavros. Even as a battle-hardened soldier, Ben's not prepared for the darkness he sees in the female assassin, nor the way she challenges his prejudices about contractors when she makes a sacrifice to save to his life.

This novel runs concurrent with Ambasadora Book 1: Marked by Light, the first book of the main space opera series. And we follow a thread of Starrie into Book 2: Scarred by Light.

Look for Starrie from Dog Star Books in July 2014 and Ambasadora Book 2: Scarred by Light in late 2014.


  1. The action sequences are amazing, so easy to visualize from your description. I love the way your heroine thinks on her feet!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. I'm glad the scenes work in such small doses as well.


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