SFFSat Snippet: "The Islands of Hope" in Galaxy's Edge

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"The Islands of Hope"

This story was originally published in Sails and Sorcery: Tales of Nautical Fantasy, then picked up again by Galaxy's Edge. It is one of my personal favorites. In this scene the crazed captain comes out of seclusion long enough to show his first mate, Julian, a secret set of sea charts, which at first looks to be their salvation....


"They're the Islands of Hope, Kami's home," the captain said.

"Are they nearby?" Julian hadn’t heard of them before, but new islands were being discovered and added to the charts every year.

"Hope is always near." The captain flopped in his chair. "But it fades…like the islands. When we first set sail there were thirty. Now…."

Julian ran his hands over the smooth paper, trying to understand the captain's ravings. "There are only five here."

While Julian watched, another island faded until disappearing completely.


  1. Well, that's just too cool. I'll have to get a copy and go read the rest.

    1. This story came so easily to me--not how my process usually works. I have a few other shorts I'm working on in this same universe.

      Thank you for dropping by, Cary!

  2. I loved this, you can just feel the captain's emotions so vividly though his dialogue and body language.

    1. Thank you, Brian.

      This entire story had this edgy emotion to it that kept me working on it every day. Always good motivation. ;)

  3. Oh myy...disappearing islands...on the map. I love this immediately!! I have to get this!! This is nearly as intriguing as Captain Jack's compass! :D

    1. Ha!

      I've often thought of making this a longer piece. Maybe somewhere down the line.

  4. Islands that disappear from the map--but in reality, too?

  5. Yikes! Hope they hurry up and get there before they all disappear!

    Great stuff, and you also can't go wrong in having Mike Resnick as the main name listed on the cover of this rendition.

    1. Thanks, T.M.

      I was fortunate that Mike had read the story originally and liked it enough to include it in this edition.

  6. Disappearing islands? You've got MY attention!

  7. Very intriguing...And now I really want to know how they disappear.

  8. Oh, how interesting (and very mysterious)!


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