Event: Confluence 2011


This weekend I will be a guest at Confluence 2011, The 23rd Annual Literary Sci-Fi Convention in Pittsburgh.

July 22nd - 24th, 2011
Doubletree Hotel Pittsburgh Airport

Heidi Ruby Miller's Schedule of Appearances:

Friday - 6pm Jr Suite Lit Beer
Heidi Ruby Miller
Michael Arnzen

Saturday 10AM Salon A Who is writing the New Tropes
Heidi Ruby Miller (M)
Timons Esaias
Geoffrey Landis
David Hartwell

Saturday 12:00 Noon Salon A Social Networking - Open Doors or Anathema Lawrence Connolly (M)
Robert J Sawyer
Jon Sprunk
Heidi Ruby Miller

Saturday 2:30PM Jr Suite Reading for Ambasadora
Heidi Ruby Miller

Saturday 7:00PM MF Autographing/Book Signing for Many Genres
Michael Arnzen
Heidi Ruby Miller

I hope to see some of you there!


  1. Hi,
    i've been following your blog for a while! It is full of ideas for fans, congratulations!
    I commend the participation at the convention and i envy those who can watch the thing!


    Sorry for my bad english, i'm italian. :)

  2. Heidi, I am so sorry! I didn't realize you were there for your OWN reading; I thought the reading spots were an hour.

    I apologize profusely. You were very gracious!

    With extreme embarrassment,

    Mary Turzillo

  3. One of these days, you and I will hook up and rule one of these conventions...

  4. Hello, Luigi!

    Thanks for stopping by, and your English is just fine.


  5. Mary, you worry too much!

    It was great to see you again.



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