EVENT: Pennwriters Conference 2017 Registration is Open


Registration for the
30th Annual Pennwriters Conference
is now open: http://bit.ly/2l7oOos

Join us May 19-21, 2017, at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott for the 30th Annual Pennwriters Conference. Our Friday evening keynote speaker will be CHUCK SAMBUCHINO, a bestselling humor book writer, a freelance editor, and a former editor for Writer’s Digest Books. He was named by Forbes as one of the top influencers in publishing. Our Saturday luncheon keynote speaker will be ANNETTE DASHOFY, the USA Today bestselling author of the Zoe Chambers mystery series. We are also pleased to have the following agents and editor as conference participants:

Noah Ballard, agent, Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Louise Fury, agent, The Bent Agency
Mark Gottlieb, agent, Trident Media Group
Liz Kossnar, editor, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Eric Myers, agent, Dystel and Goderich Literary Management
Roseanne Wells, agent, The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

In addition to three days of workshop sessions, tickets for the following special events are available:

Friday Published Penns Luncheon
“From Idea to Publication”

Learn how a writer can be part of the team that positions a book to get it into the hands of readers. Topics: tweaking your manuscript for the marketplace, learning to be a good literary citizen, and how to plant the seeds of your own success. The panelists are the founders of Littsburgh—agent Rachel Eckstrom, author and marketer Nick Courage, and publicist and publishing professional Katie Kurtzman. In honor of our 30th Annual Conference, this luncheon is open to all. Join us to celebrate!          

Friday Keynote Dinner with Chuck Sambuchino
“10 Ways to Advance Your Publishing Career"

Saturday After-Hours Social
Pirate Party! Set yer sails and don't be scairt to dress the part! A finer gatherin o’ scoundrels an’ saucy wenches ye never did see. Mayhap ye be lucky 'nuff to grab some swag. Swap yer doubloons fer drinks (3) at ye cash baaarrrrrrr!

Additional conference details can be found on the Pennwriters website:  pennwriters.org/30th-annual-pennwriters-conference/

You can preview the schedule at http://pennwriters.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/PWC2017_preliminaryschedule.pdf

Read workshop descriptions and faculty bios at http://pennwriters.org/2017-pennwriters-conference-workshops-and-faculty/

Pitch sessions and Read & Critiques are limited to a certain number of participants. Register today!  http://bit.ly/2l7oOos

If you have issues with your online registration, contact Registration Coordinator Mark Boerma at ConferenceRegistration@pennwriters.org.

We are looking forward to seeing you in May! Email us at conferencecoordinator@pennwriters.org if you have any questions.
Heather Desuta & Carol Silvis, conference coordinators


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