CELEBRATION: 500,000 Views at Heidi Ruby Miller: Sour Candy and The Curiosity Killers


To celebrate 500,000 views and counting at www.heidirubymiller.com, I'm highlighting my most visited posts this week and...

...making my latest book, STARRIE, free on Amazon for the first time ever. The celebration (and free books) run from Tuesday, December 20 - Saturday, December 24, 2016.

Many thanks to my readers and fans as well as the multitudes of authors who have been gracious interviewees since I began this site back in 2005

Counting down my most visited posts (as of today), we start with Number 10 - BOOK: The Curiosity Killers by K.W. Taylor.

Published in 2015 by Dog Star Books, The Curiosity Killers was K.W. Taylor's thesis novel in Seton Hill University's Writing Popular Fiction MFA program, and I was one of her mentors, along with Tim Waggoner. We both gave her back cover blurbs because it was such a great book. Here's what I had to say:

"From the moment you read that first paragraph, K.W. Taylor zaps you through
time and space and alternate history at a thriller pace with some of the most engaging
traveling companions anyone could ask for."

You can find out more about this unique book by reading the original post.

In the Number 9 slot is CAST YOUR CHARACTERS: Sour Candy by Kealan Patrick Burke.

The CAST YOUR CHARACTERS series is almost as popular as HEIDI'S PICK SIX, both of which you can peruse if you scroll down on my INTERVIEWS page. The casting for Sour Candy with stars like Rami Malek and Carla Gugino is only part of the appeal here--the biggest draw, I believe, is Kealan Patrick Burke himself. A Bram Stoker Award-winning author, owner of Elderlemon Design (which created the iconic cover for the book), and self-proclaimed road-tripper.

His work has garnered critical and fan praise and earned him a dedicated readership. And, he's just a nice guy. To find out more about who Kealan cast in Sour Candy, click on the original post.


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