VIDEO: DogCon 5 at Broadkill Writers Resort


Inspired by the recent Raw Dog Screaming Press Newsletter, I'm finally posting the video from Jason's and my travel and lifestyle channel, Small Space Big Life, about DogCon 5 held at Broadkill Writers Resort, the Delaware beach retreat owned by RDSP. It was wonderful to see old friends, including a large showing from the Seton Hill Writers and to meet other authors and RDSP readers. Many thanks to owners and editors, Jennifer Barnes and John Edward Lawson.

You can find other videos about the 2016 DogCon here:
DogCon5 Pre-Party! by RDSP
DogCon5: State of the Dog Speech by RDSP
DogCon5: Meet Dan Rabarts and Lee Murray by RDSP
DogCon5: Reader's Choice Award Ceremony
Reader's Choice Award by Matt Betts
DogCon 5 by DailyNightmare
DogCon5: Social Media for Authors by RDSP
DogCon5: Live Instigation by RDSP


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