EVENT: World Fantasy 40 Recap in Photos


I had an unforgettable time at World Fantasy 40 held at the Crystal City Hyatt this year. Saw so many old friends (including 21 Seton Hill Writers!), finally made face-to-face contact with social media acquaintances, and met a ton of new writers and readers.

Kudos to Peggy Rae Sapienza, Michael J. Walsh, Colleen Cahill, Bill Lawton, and the entire WFC 40 committee on a job well done. Looking forward to next year.

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from Maria Alexander for her Mr. Wicker launch party

Photo from RDSP

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from RDSP

Photo from Maria Alexander for her Mr. Wicker launch party

Photo from Jason Jack Miller

Photo from Jason Jack Miller


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