SFR Brigade Presents: "Rainer" in Far Worlds


Enjoy some Science Fiction Adventure from the AMBASADORA-VERSE. There's a story all about the man you love to hate, RAINER, in the third Bolthole anthology, FAR WORLDS. The story takes place right after Ambasadora Book 1: Marked by Light.

Get a sneak peek of Manuel Mesones's awesome illustration of Rainer!

CONTEST: This scene features an Easter egg for anyone who read Greenshift. You can turn that egg into a free paperback or ebook of Far Worlds if you're the first commenter to tell me who the unidentified assailants are that Rainer mentions. Remember to include an email address in your comment!

Check out other wonderful Presents posts at the SFR Brigade.

"Rainer" by Heidi Ruby Miller

"Rogues know how to drag out a celebration." Dahlia unholstered a cender. "How long has it been since the Corruption of Palomin? Three months?"

"Corruption of Palomin?" Rainer asked. "Where did you hear that?"

"Some of the Media channels."

"Hmmm. Nice little euphemism for the beginning of a system-wide revolution." He preferred the “Fall of Palomin.” It rang truer. The fragger assault there destroyed the old data archive complex and took the lives of hundreds of contractors.

Just ahead of their small group, three males and a female sat in the spa, unaware of Rainer's approach.

He overheard one of the males say, "I think you need to check your facts. I took out at least thirty fraggers at Palomin."

Killian Doje—thrown out of the Embassy guild after a mishap last year while on a training run. Apparently his charge at the time had taken a severe beating while Killian remained unscathed. The incident with two unidentified assailants landed Killian's charge in a coma, then a funeral pyre. No formal charges had been leveled against Killian, so the man's ego had never been checked.

"You took out that many fraggers all by yourself?" Rainer's comment stifled the surrounding conversation.
Out in the universe, there is predicted to be millions of planets harbouring sentient life, thousands of civilisations of sapient races, going about their lives; struggling, fighting, maybe loving, having adventures, maybe suffering under dystopian tyrants, or in societies of harmony and peace and complacency. These worlds, due to the nature of the speed of light and relativity, will never meet each other in person across the vast stretches of space, and any messages or signals sent between them wouldn’t reach their destinations for millions of years, long after both civilisations are gone.

Edited by A. R. Aston, James Fadeley, and J. L. Gribble
Illustrations and cover art by Manuel Mesones

Featuring "Anomaly" by Jonathan Ward, "Rainer" by Heidi Ruby Miller, "The Lost and Found" by Kerri Fitzgerald, "Helzenthrax" by A. R. Aston, "City Blue" by Edward Smith , "Golden Planet" by Evan Purcell, "A Pelnodan Bounty" by James Fadeley, "Bequeathal" by K. Ceres Wright, "Salvation Comes" by Simon Farrow, "Endaris" by Michael J. Hollows, "Alone" by Alex Helm, "The War Room" by Michael Seese, "Shard of Heaven" by Damir Salkovic

Look for STARRIE from Dog Star Books in August 2014 and AMBASADORA BOOK 2: Scarred by Light in late 2014.


  1. I have a feeling that ego is going to be checked.

  2. Wow... I love it when I get sucked right into a new world. I sincerely hope Rainer provides what appears to be a much needed ego check for Killian. :D :D

  3. Kilian always gets his ego-checked, but somehow builds up even more. ;) Thanks for stopping by, Sue Ann and ML!

  4. And that's what happens when someone boasts a little too much...intriguing set up to this story!


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