SFFS: Snippet from GREENSHIFT #7

SFFS Snippet


Greenshift is a novel set in the Ambasadora-verse one month before Ambasadora begins.

DESCRIPTION: David Anlow, a fleet captain forced into early retirement and jaded by an ex-lover, now spends his lonely days shuttling around a group of scientists for hire.

Boston Maribu, Mari to her friends, is one of his passengers, a young botanist who is as beautiful as she is naïve and innocent.

When Mari asks David to teach her about more than just piloting the Bard, nights on their ship heat up and their feelings for each other mature into a relationship neither expects. But a suspicious new client shows up with wicked plans for Mari, and the soldier inside David comes alive, ready to fight for the young woman who stole his heart.







He was in his early twenties, she guessed, not much older than she was. And very good-looking, reminding her of the guys she and her friends drooled over on the Media feeds from clubs at the Hub and the few exclusive franchises on Deleine.

When he saw them, he spread his arms and asked, "What the hell is this?"

The pink shirt he wore billowed open where he hadn't bothered to button it in the front, revealing a thin, but toned chest and abdomen. She couldn’t see any tan lines where the bronze skin disappeared beneath the waistband of his beige linen pants.

He flipped his dark shades up from his boyish button nose to look Wren up and down with light brown eyes. They were how her eyes used to look before the vaccine turned them golden-orange.

"Where's the blonde?" he asked. "And what's up with the busted lip? You know I won't pay full price for damaged goods."


Find more snippets from other wonderful authors at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.


  1. This is one loaded and 'charged' snippet!

    "She couldn’t see any tan lines where the bronze skin disappeared beneath the waistband of his beige linen pants."

    Ah, the little things we notice...

    And all those details that reveal all sorts of interesting bits of info: "They were how her eyes used to look before the vaccine turned them golden-orange."

    Really great stuff.

  2. Thanks! This one is from the opening chapter of GREENSHIFT.

  3. Love this scene...but I liked the dialogue more. It made me smile... :-)

  4. I liked the description of the guy, but he sounds like a bit of an a*se.:)

  5. T.M. - I'm more partial to dialog, too, but I thought I should mix it up. ;)

    Gayle - he is even worse than you think.

  6. I was really excited to read your snippet. It was amazing. The dialogue was great and you did an excellent job of creating tension between the characters. I also loved the description of dialogue. Unfortunately, I agree with Gayle. He might not be the nicest person.

  7. You really pack a lot into a scene. I knew where she was coming from (in her head) and hints of the conflict ahead when you have a character who is attractive yet heavy with attitude. There's usually disappointment on the way. Good use of details in thoughts. The dialogue works too.

  8. Such cockiness! Hehe, loved it. Something tells me he's a handful!

  9. Ooohh want to know more about this vaccine! The handsome man might need to be put in his place.

  10. I keep picturing the guy that plays Alcide on True Blood as the pink-shirted man in this snippet. Great stuff here!

  11. Ha ha, Patrick!

    Alcide might be too big and strapping to be Liu, but thanks for the nice image. ;)

  12. Interesting! More of this young man, please!? Great stuff. You take it so slowly, yet keep the story moving along nicely (something I'm bad at).

  13. Is he about to get his butt kicked?

    I really loved this snippet! I love the way you get to see this party boy through her eyes.

    I can't wait to read this one.

  14. Love all the detail in this, but don't like the inference that he won't pay for damaged goods. What the hell does he think she it?


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