SFFS: Snippet from GREENSHIFT #5

SFFS Snippet


Greenshift is a novel set in the Ambasadora-verse one month before Ambasadora begins.

DESCRIPTION: David Anlow, a fleet captain forced into early retirement and jaded by an ex-lover, now spends his lonely days shuttling around a group of scientists for hire.

Boston Maribu, Mari to her friends, is one of his passengers, a young botanist who is as beautiful as she is naïve and innocent. When Mari asks David to teach her about more than just piloting the Bard, nights on their ship heat up and their feelings for each other mature into a relationship neither expects. But a suspicious new client shows up with wicked plans for Mari, and the soldier inside David comes alive, ready to fight for the young woman who stole his heart.


"I know you didn't like the last guy," Mari said. "Neither did I." She sucked in a breath when one of the contractors closed in.

"Because he wouldn't flirt with you?" Sean's deep voice remained even, but his focus stayed riveted to David's confrontation with the contractors.

"Who?" Mari asked, trying to loosen the death grip she had on the knife.

"The last pilot." Sean was humoring her.

And she would let him because her stomach was in knots.

"You won't flirt with me either," she said half-heartedly, too distracted by the argument down the boardwalk, "and I still like you."

Find more snippets from other wonderful authors at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.


  1. I'm so glad that this went from novella to novel. I'm definitely looking forward to reading this. Can't wait.

    I'm still on edge waiting to see how this scene plays out too. Will David kick butt, or will the sh*t hit the fan? Or perhaps they'll all just have lunch together.

    Damn. We need longer snippets!

  2. I thought Mari was with David, not Sean .... divided loyalties?

  3. I do enjoy little pieces of info scattered about the dialogue that give a sense of danger...the contractors closing in, the death grip on the knife...

    Great little snippet!

  4. Oooh! Is that a threat, or is she just playing hard-to-get?

    I'm definitely wondering where this is going. Great snippet!

    And, I agree with Cary. We need longer snippets!

  5. Interesting set up...the excitement builds!!!

  6. I like the bantering dialogue with the tension growing off the stage.

  7. Lots of tension in this snippet! Good share.

  8. I'm confused by the Sean-David thing, too.

  9. I love conversations that are so much more than their content. I can't wait to read this.


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