SFFS: Snippet from GREENSHIFT #2

SFFS Snippet


Greenshift is a novel set in the Ambasadora-verse one month before Ambasadora begins.

DESCRIPTION: David Anlow, a fleet captain forced into early retirement and jaded by an ex-lover, now spends his lonely days shuttling around a group of scientists for hire.

Boston Maribu, Mari to her friends, is one of his passengers, a young botanist who is as beautiful as she is naïve and innocent. When Mari asks David to teach her about more than just piloting the Bard, nights on their ship heat up and their feelings for each other mature into a relationship neither expects. But a suspicious new client shows up with wicked plans for Mari, and the soldier inside David comes alive, ready to fight for the young woman who stole his heart.

Click on this link for SNIPPET #1.


Killian and David's brother Ben had had a run-in last year at a bar here at the Hub. What was the name of that overpriced dive? The Atlas or Atlatl or something that started with At. Though David had been there when Ben and Killian went at it, and eventually jumped in by his brother's side, the likelihood of the contractor remembering him was remote.

David could stave off this confrontation a bit longer by heading back to the Bard, make them come knocking at the ship's gangway, but why invite trouble into your home? Though he still hadn't settled into the idea that the pleasure cruiser turned science vessel was home. Maybe in another few weeks.

"Anlow, how's your brother? Did he jump ship, too?" Killian's voice was smooth and confident.


Find more snippets from other wonderful authors at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.


  1. Ooh! Prequel novella. I like it. Is it out? Or still WiP? No matter, I still need to read Ambasadora.

  2. Interesting!! Now I really must get Ambassadora!!

  3. Lots going on in the Ambasadora-verse...checked out the earlier posts, too. Nice!

  4. Seems like Killian remembered after all. Oops?

  5. Cary: GREENSHIFT is ready to go, but I'm deciding whether to put it out myself or go with a publisher....

    Misa: Killian sure does remember, and that will blow up into something big as the story progresses.

    TK and T.W.: Thanks for stopping by and reading!

  6. I love it! What a wonderful, "oh, crap" moment.

  7. Great little snippet! Still one I need to snag for my TBR pile.

  8. Nothing like a little conflict to kick off a story. :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by and reading, Pippa, jc, AstonWest, and Sue!


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