SFFS: Snippet #1 from AMBASADORA BOOK 1: Marked by Light

AMBASADORA BOOK 1: Marked by Light

DESCRIPTION:If everyone told you love wasn't real, would you still be willing to die for it?

Sara Mendoza is captured, tortured, and falsely accused of treason by the Embassy, but she is given a chance to win back her freedom. She only needs to charm information from one of the fragger leaders, then kill him. But by the time she figures out the Embassy's intel is flawed and that Sean Cryer is her true mark, she's already in love with him.

Sean knows why Sara is on his ship from the start, but as a lonely, anti-social doser, he doesn't value his life, only his ideology within the fragger organization. Against his better judgment, he becomes her protector, each day caring more about a future he was always afraid to hope for.


This is the beginning of my SF Romance novel Ambasadora.

"They're watching us again," Sara whispered against the smoothness of Chen's cheek. His soft bergamot scent mixed with her vodka-tinged breath.

A voyeur hovered six meters above them, narrowly missing the snaking track of blue lights suspended from the hippodrome's ceiling. A man from the balcony overhead reached out in a drunken swat for the voyeur, but came nowhere near the mass of cameras and directional microphones. His mates pulled him back with loud guffaws when he almost toppled over the railing.

Sara laughed, too, basking in the celebratory atmosphere. Hot pink swirls of light traveled along the floor and walls in complex patterns, painting the opulent furnishings and beautiful guests with dizzying, ephemeral artwork. The hypnotic beats pulsing through the speakers worked in time with the lighting, enhancing the dream-like quality of the evening. She found it hard to believe this cavernous playground, this entire stunning complex, was once part of an ancient worldship.

The voyeur descended closer, several of its cameras telescoped through the darkness to capture the couple from varied angles.

Find more snippets at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.


  1. Nice hook! I definitely want to read on.

  2. Thanks, Misa!

    I rewrote this opening scene about a dozen times.

  3. Great snippet! Love the name 'voyeur' for the little camera drone device watching them. Given this is a romance novel and all... ;-)

  4. Oh great! Another book I have to read. lol. I just downloaded it from smash.

    Wonderfully visualized. Great atmosphere.

    Now I need some time to read!

  5. This is already listed in my "To Buy" list - it's very long but Ambasadora inserted high up. Read the review you received the other day. Good stuff!!

    I'm with Aston and loving the "voyeur" name. Cool!!

  6. Somehow I have a feeling she's going to get tired of being so public.

  7. You are so right, Sue. ;)

    Thanks for adding AMBASADORA to your TBR piles, Cary and TK.

    Wait until you get to the mind minstrels, AstonWest!


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