Volume twelve of the Small Space Big Life newsletter is available now. Here's an excerpt: Hello Small Space Big Life friends! We've been hard at work revising HANK book 2, drafting META book 2, outlining SUMMER book 1, and developing an exciting, new nonfiction proposal. In the meantime, we have recaps and photos from Walt Disney World, Broadkill Writers Retreat, and the SHUWPF Summer Residency. There's also another giveaway, books we've been reading, and a new feature where we detail part of our 980-square-foot urban cottage. It's over 80 years old now, and we've spent a quarter of that time taking care of every little nook and cranny, decorating it with art from our travels and gifts from family and friends, and making it as hygge as possible. Grab a cup of something nice and come take a look. Cheers, Heidi and Jason Disney's Boardwalk Inn and Resort READ THE REST HERE. AND SUBSCRIBE HERE. In case you missed other recent editions, you can...
The long-expected thirteenth volume of our Small Space Big Life newsletter is available now. Here's an excerpt: Greetings to our Small Space Big Life community. It has been more than a year and a half since we last said hello due to some circumstances beyond our control...like a storm taking out part of our roof and a flood taking out part of our basement. But mostly, it has been health issues, especially Heidi's migraines. She's had them for decades, but they became utterly debilitating and depressing beginning last year. She's since started treatment with a second neurologist and is easing back into "normal life." We took a hiatus from writing and the newsletter because screens don't play well with migraines, so we reserved all that computer time for our classes. Those of you who have seen us in person know that Heidi now almost always wears sunglasses or her migraine glasses, even inside. There have been some other major adjustments as well...lik...
Volume eleven of the Small Space Big Life newsletter is available now. Here's an excerpt: Small Space Big Life community, we're deep into what we call Little Summer, that magical couple of months between our birthdays when we're the same age. In this quarter's newsletter, we have lots to share from places other than our house, including Jason's latest honor. Find out where we went, who we saw, and what we did. Maybe we just might be seeing you in-person someplace soon. Also, check out our latest giveaway, books we've been reading, and what's next in our writing journey. There might even be a few subscriber-only surprises inside. Happy Little Summer, Heidi and Jason READ THE REST HERE. AND SUBSCRIBE HERE. In case you missed other recent editions, you can find them at the subscribe link.
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