Event: Official Kissing Day Blogfest


From Sherrinda"s blog:

WHAT: Official Kissing Day Blogfest

WHEN: Monday, December 21st

WHY: A Writer’s Tribute to Mistletoe

HOW: Here is what to do if you want to participate in the Official Kissing Day Blogfest:

1. Write a post telling about the Official Kissing Day Blogfest. This way more writer/bloggers will get the word and be able to participate on Monday, Dec. 21st.

2. Tweet about it, using the hash tag: #kissingdayblogfest (I don’t know if this will help get the word out, but I thought it might be fun to try).

3. On Monday, December 21st, post on your blog an excerpt from your current WIP, or write a new scene that spotlights a kiss or an “almost kiss.”

4. If you are not a writer, or are uncomfortable sharing your work online, post your favorite kissing scene or almost-kissing scene from any book or movie.

**Please note that you do NOT have to do #1 or #2 to participate. I was trying to think of a way to get more writers to join in on the fun, but it is NOT mandatory! Just post your kissing scene on Monday for our reading pleasure!

Swiped from Kaye Dacus's blog.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word, Heidi! This is turning out to be so much fun! I can't wait to read your excerpt!


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