RESEARCH: E-mail vs. Post Submissions


Yesterday I caught up on submitting and querying my completed projects. I am way behind for 2008 - only 21 subs thusfar. I aim for the 'Buckell 150' each year.

While recording my new subs, I went back through to label the one-year non-responders. It was nice to see there were none for March; February only had two; but January had six. I noticed something else during the search back through all of these records: My ratio of email to post subs is 2 to 1. This would be closer to 3 to 1 if I took out all of the agent queries, partials, and fulls from last year.

I suppose it's because I subconsciously place markets into two categories: free, easy, and fast as opposed to paying for postage and traveling to the post office. For good or for bad, I put post-only markets at the bottom of my submissions list, sometimes never even getting to them before the project sells.

Anyone else follow this same electronic submission trend?

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