Context 20 - The Writers' Con

The programming schedule is up for Context 20 (Columbus, OH - September 28-30). If you're thinking that just because the writing workshops are mostly filled there isn't a reason to go, just check out the awesome panels on writing and science.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Academics of Popular Fiction 1 pm Dayton
With more university writing programs taking an interest in the popular side of fiction, what does it means to be a genre or literary writer in today's publishing market, and can you be both?

Panelists: Michael Arnzen* - Horror Guest of Honor (Read his PICK SIX!), Joseph Martino, D. Harlan Wilson (Read his PICK SIX!), Karen Nagel, Heidi Ruby Miller*, Jason Jack Miller*

Poetry Reading 8:30 pm Board Room 1
Poetry readings by some of our panelists, followed by open reading. Poetry people, bring your poems from the poetry workshop or any of your original work.

Readers: Michael Arnzen, Lucy Snyder (Read her PICK SIX!), Heidi Ruby Miller*,
Timons Esaias* (Read his PICK SIX!), John Dalmas, James Daniel Ross

Sunday, September 30, 2007

How Traveling Affects Our Writing 10:30 am Columbus 1
Traveling is meant to take you some place different, as is reading a good book, so it's no surprise that the writers on this panel are also travelers whose experiences on the road and abroad not only have led to travel writing stints, but also enhanced their fiction.

Mike Resnick - Editor Guest of Honor (Read his PICK SIX!), Timons Esaias*, Heidi Ruby Miller*, Jason Jack Miller*

How Do You Research Things That Don’t Exist? 2:30 pm Dayton
A look at how authors research things like elves, fairies, demons, wizards and gods to name a few.
Walter Hunt, Anne Harris* (Read her PICK SIX!), Geoffrey Girard, Sandy Lender (Read her PICK SIX!), Heidi Ruby Miller*

*notes a Seton Hill Writer

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