CHALLENGE: 15 Books by Labor Day


This summer I decided I would enjoy more reading time, especially since so many friends have lent me books a while ago that I've never picked up yet.

Here is a partial list (in no particular order) of the 15 I would like to finish by Labor Day. "X" shows which ones I've finished. I would love suggestions for the last two.

X 1. Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance by Jennifer Armstrong (borrowed from Angie Mollis, one of my high school English teachers and now Jason's colleague)

X 2. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (borrowed from calico_reaction at the June 2006 Seton Hill residency)

3. Digital Fortress by Dan Brown (borrowed from Dina Kriebel, a chemistry teacher who works with Jason and a good friend)

4. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (borrowed from my sister-in-law _dolphy_)

X 5. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (Jason finished this while we were in Europe, so we switched and he started Good Omens - It was purely coincidence that we both took a Gaiman book!)

6. Ragamuffin by Tobias Buckell (Aside from Toby having been my mentor at Seton Hill, I loved Crystal Rain, so have been excited about this for a while.)

7. On the Overgrown Path by David Herter (a gift for Jason's graduation from Chris Carey - since we were in Prague, the setting of the book, and my current novel takes place during the time between WWI and WWII, I'm very excited about reading this.)

8. Chindi by Jack McDevitt (because I have had this book on my shelf for a long time and have always wanted to read it)

9. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (We're reading this together on car trips - Jason read it on his own already, but loved it so much he wanted to share it with me again)

10. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carre (I picked this up in a geocache with _dolphy_ some time ago. It was one of the free BookCrossing books. I have another whole post on BookCrossing later.)

11. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway (As much as I love Hemingway, I have never read this book. It's about time.)

12. Metered Space by M. D. Benoit (I was a stop on M. D.'s VBT for her new novel Synergy, and as a thank you, she gave me Book 1 of the Jack Meter Case Files Series - a mystery/science fiction novel, now how can I resist that?)

13. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (I may love Marquez more than Hemingway - so, how have I not read One Hundred Years? Because I started it just before entering Seton Hill two years ago, and once in the program, I was immersed in my specialty genre, SF. Now, I'm free to read whatever I want, so it's back to Marquez, from the beginning.)

14. Suggestions?

15. Suggestions?



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