EVENT: Pennwriters Conference 2015


The 2015 Pennwriters conference "Building Bridges" will be held at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott on Friday, May 15, through Sunday, May 17, with Thursday pre-conference intensives on May 14.

The Friday keynote is Ridley Pearson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 48 novels, divided almost equally between adult suspense and young adult adventure. Over the years, his work has been published in two dozen languages and has been adapted by network television and for the Broadway stage. Right now he is set to tour for his latest YA final Kingdom Keepers novel – The Insider. He also has a Risk Agent Novel coming out in June called the Red Room. His website is www.ridleypearson.com.

The Saturday luncheon speaker is Don Helin, a Pennwriter for ten years and the author of Thy Kingdom Come, Devil’s Den, and Secret Assault.

Thursday intensive speakers include Jessica Morrell, Hank Phillipi Ryan, and Pennwriters Bobbi Carducci and Susan Meier.


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